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There is a stunted growth or the mother maybe did not eat well or there is underlying problem inside .ultrasound will solve this problem.

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Q: What will happen if the size of stomach does not change from third month to fourth month during pregnancy?
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When you are pregnant when do your stomach get hard?

Hello, During your first pregnancy your pregnancy will take longer to become more noticeable. If this is not your first pregnancy and is your second, third, etc then you will usually show earlier. The stomach usually becomes hard around the fourth month or later, into your pregnancy. Once again, it depends whether this is your first or later pregnancy. Multiple pregnancies usually show earlier. Also, if you are overweight or have extra fat on your stomach, this may result in your tummy not feeling hard until you are further along into your pregnancy.

When do friction ridge skin develop?

During the fetues fourth month of pregnancy.

Can a bump in a stomach mean you are pregnant within 3 weeks after sex?

Weight gain during pregnancy normally doesn't start till around your fourth month, when the baby is big enough to push against the wall of your stomach. Three weeks into a pregnancy the baby isn't even the size of a bean, let alone big enought to push on the stomach. The bump could be many things, it is best to get checked by a doctor and explain your concerns.

If you do not experience nausea in pregnancy is it a bad sign?

30% of women will have no nausea during pregnancy. Not having nausea during pregnancy is relatively normal. Studies about nausea during pregnancy have not been able to conclusively determine what exactly it is about pregnancy that can cause nausea. Some researchers suggest that the rapidly changing hormone levels in your body, combined with an enhanced sense of smell and excess stomach acids are to blame for nausea during pregnancy. Another theory suggests that the buildup of a specific hormone known as hCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which builds up during early pregnancy but starts to level off after about the 12th week of pregnancy, may be responsible for nausea during pregnancy. This would seem to perhaps be the strongest theory, as nausea during pregnancy levels off for many women after their first trimester. Nausea can be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. While breast tenderness is often the first noticeable sign of pregnancy, nausea usually starts quickly after that. Nausea can begin as early as the second week of your pregnancy. Most of the time, nausea does not start until between the fourth and sixth weeks of pregnancy. This will typically be between five and seven weeks after the end of the last menstrual period. Nausea during pregnancy typically subsides between the 12th and 14th weeks of pregnancy. If you do not experience nausea during pregnancy, you are in the minority, but still within a normal percentage. Not having nausea during pregnancy should not be a major cause for concern. While some research has linked a lack of nausea to an increased rate of miscarriage, but there have been other studies that suggest the opposite. There is no conclusive research to suggest that a lack of morning sickness indicates any sort of problem with the pregnancy

What change took place in Axum during the fourth century?

Christianity becomes official religion of Axum.

If im not constipated could i still be pregnant?

Constipation is just a symptom of pregnancy...not a sign of pregnancy. Many women experience bouts of constipation during pregnancy, but if you do not have constipation then count it as a blessing. If you take a home pregnancy test and your doctor confirms your pregnancy then you are pregnant with or without constipation. Good luck! mom to three children and pregnant with her fourth!

What is the fourth step of the digestive system?

The second step in digestion is your food going into your esophagus and traveling down into your stomach.

What change took place in Axum during the fourth century A.D?

Christianity becomes official religion of Axum.

What are the symptoms of incompetent cervix?

Incompetent cervix is suspected when a woman has three consecutive spontaneous pregnancy losses during the second trimester (the fourth, fifth and sixth months of the pregnancy). The likelihood of this happening by random chance is less than 1%.

When will your stomach show you are pregnant?

It depends on the woman, and the size of the baby. Most woman dont show until around the 4th month. After the 1st trimester has ended. This contributer showed at 10 weeks. And had a large baby!

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What is an abomasus?

An abomasus is the fourth compartment of a cow's stomach, following the omasum.