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After the sun runs out of fuel is will become a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.

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Q: What will happen if the sun will lost its fuel?
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What will happen to earth once the sun uses all its fuel up?

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What would happen to the sun when it ran out of fuel if it the mass was as 10 times as it does?

It would supernova.

What is going to happen to the sun when it dies and when will this happen?

The sun will burn off all its fuel and eventually turn into a big giant called the red giant. It will die in about 5 billion years.

What would happen if the sun lost gravity?

because the planets use the sun's gravitaional pull if it lost it all the planets would spiral out wards and earth would freeze because of no heat.

What will happen to the sun when it runs out of fuel for fusion?

first red giant then white dwarf ultimately DEAD

What will happen when the sun runs out of fuel?

By that time earth will be no more:c, but just to answer your question, it will eventually become a black dwarf.

What will happen to the sun in 7 billion years?

First in about 5 billion years the sun will run out of fuel in its core and become a red giant as it burns fuel around its core. After that is finished 7 billion years from now the sun will finally die and become a white dwarf.

Does combustion fuel the sun?

no combustion dose not fuel the sun but the sun is fueled by a nuclear reaction known as fusion.

What will the sun turn in to when it runs out of fuel or fusion?

The Sun will go supernova and destroy the Milky Way. But fear not, this won't happen for another 5 billion years. Humanity will probably kill itself off before the Sun dies.

Will your sun always be here?

No. The Sun has a limited amount of fuel (currently in the form of hydrogen-1); this fuel will run out, in the far future. When this happens, the Sun will collapse into a white dwarf. However, long before this happens, the Sun will become so bright that no life will be able to survive on Earth. This is expected to happen somewhere around 500-1000 million years in the future.

What fuel is the sun using to release energy?

Our sun, Sol, uses hydrogen for fuel.