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Answer:It will melt.

Reason:As the temperature is provided to the metal , the kinetic energy of the molecules will increase , and they will start viberating.

As a result of continuous supply of heat , electrons will become more exited and they will start colliding with each other and with the wall of container which will create space in between them and the bounded electrons will be no more bounded and metal will melt

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1w ago

As the temperature of a metal pan increases, the metal atoms will gain kinetic energy and vibrate more rapidly. This will cause the pan to expand slightly. If the temperature increase is too high, the metal may eventually reach its melting point and start to melt.

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13y ago

The molecules of the pan will move faster.

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Q: What will happen if the temperature of a metal pan is increased?
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How does an electric fryin pan work?

An electric frying pan works by using electricity to heat a metal coil that is embedded in the cooking surface. The coil generates heat which transfers to the surface of the pan, allowing you to cook food at the desired temperature. The temperature can be controlled using a dial or setting on the appliance.

Thermal energy travels through the bottom of the pan by?

conduction – where heat is transferred from the heat source to the metal pan through direct contact. The molecules in the hot source transfer their kinetic energy to the molecules in the pan, causing them to vibrate and increase in temperature.

When a metal pan is heated on the stove this is an example of heat transferred by what?

This is an example of heat transfer through conduction. The heat from the stove is transferred directly to the metal pan through physical contact, causing the molecules in the pan to vibrate, which in turn increases the pan's temperature.

What is the difference between a magnet and a metal pan?

A magnet is a material that has the property of attracting iron and other ferromagnetic materials, whereas a metal pan is a type of cookware made from a metal alloy such as stainless steel or aluminum. While both can be made from metals, magnets have magnetic properties that allow them to attract or repel other magnets, while metal pans are used for cooking and food preparation.

How is the energy transferred from the cooker to the liquid in the saucepan?

Conduction. The pan rests on the cooker top. Heat passes by direction conduction to the metal of the pan, and from the pan to the liquid.

Related questions

What is the difference between a magnet and a metal pan?

A magnet is a material that has the property of attracting iron and other ferromagnetic materials, whereas a metal pan is a type of cookware made from a metal alloy such as stainless steel or aluminum. While both can be made from metals, magnets have magnetic properties that allow them to attract or repel other magnets, while metal pans are used for cooking and food preparation.

A wide shallow metal container used for cooking?

A wide shallow metal container used for cooking is a pan.

Why does they metal pan feel much hotter than the wooden handle?

Metal transfers heat better than cake, which is what make you feel more of the temperature.

Why are their metal shavings in your 1996 Ford Taurus Transmission pan?

some metal in pan is ok.

How do you adjust the oven temperature for dark nonstick pan when baking angel food cake?

The oven temperature can be adjusted by changing the temperature of the oven. Over a few minutes, the nonstick pan can eventually change to the temperature of the oven.

What is a oil pan gasket?

Seals pan to block, prevents leaks. Metal does not seal well against metal. They are cheap, but To replace it, pan has to come off & is on bottom of engine.

Where is oil pan on 2003 Volkswagen Passat?

metal pan is the oil pan on 2003 Volkswagen Passat.

Can you burn a pan by cooking on too high a temperature?

Yes you can. Although this depends some one the material (type of metal) and thickness of the pan. Higher quality pans with thicker bottoms are less likely to burn on higher heat. other variables are what you are cooking and how full the pan might be.

What is an ash pan?

An ash pan is a metal pan or tray to catch and retain ashes below the grate in a hearth.

What does a frying pan made out of?

metal duh

Can lasagna be made in a metal pan?


Is a frying pan a conductor?

A frying pan is a conductor as heat can easily travel through the pan since it's metal.