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Q: What will happen if we kill all the animals?
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What will happen if you kill the animals?

I will kill you.

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all animals kill other animals

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if we kill them they would start being extenct

Do some wild animals kill animals for there food?

Yes. All wild animals kill animals for their food.

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we would have a broken food chain. that can be a bad can kill animals that eat it and then animals that eat that then it goes to people and we can starve

What animals can kill a chettah and eat it?

Technically, lions can kill a cheetah and eat it...but it doesn't happen. Humans kill cheetahs, but they don't usually eat them.

WHAT WILL happen to the animals that have shelter in the trees?

They will become evil and kill you. BWA-ha-ha

How science can kill animals life?

By running tests or mix breeding them to see what will happen.

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What would happen if all the primary consumers became extinct?

Itll have a bigger population and then we would have to start to kill certain animals to make the populatin lower

Are there animal shelters that only kill dangerous animals?

Yes. All animal shelters have different characteristics. Some will kill old animals, some will kill animals that never get adopted. Some will never exterminate animals!