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Q: What will happen if you allow your vehicle to run unnecessarily while stopped or parked?
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What is a vehicle stopped without an operator at the controls?

Such a vehicle is said to be parked.

Who is fault is it when your back in to a car on private property when the car was double parked behind you?

As a general rule, a parked or stopped vehicle is almost never at fault for an accident. The onus is on the driver of the moving vehicle to make sure the way is clear.

How long may a vehicle be stopped parked or left standing on a freeway even if disabled before it can be removed by the police?

As little as 4 hours.

In CA how long may a vehicle be stopped parked or left standing on a freeway even if disabled before it can be removed by the police?

In California, 4 hours.

Who is at fault if the driver of a parked vehicle opens his door and it is hit by a car driving by?

driver of parked vehicle

What happens if a fully insured driver admits fault for hitting a parked vehicle but the other driver involved in the accident had no license insurance or registration?

If the other vehicle was parked, there was no other driver to have license, insurance or registration. The driver who hit the parked vehicle is at fault and is liable for all damages to the parked vehicle.

Who is liable in a rear end collision if the car that was rear ended was parked?

As long as the parked vehicle is parked properly and not illegally parked in any manner, then the vehicle that rear-ended the parked car is at fault. Now if the parked car is sitting illegally (such as double parked or parked in a no parking zone, etc.) then the parked car is at fault or even both the parked car AND the car that hits it are BOTH at fault.

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Can you be charged with a DUI or a DWI if you r drinking but not driving in a operating vehicle in the state of Michigan?

No, if you are a passenger or are not actually in control of the vehicle. HOWEVER - if you are sitting behind the steering wheel of a vehicle - even though it is stopped, parked, or otherwise not in motion - you would be considered "in control" of the vehicle and you COULD be charged.

How should forklift blades be when parked or stopped?

Flat on the ground

If a vehicle parked along a curb on private property is hit by another driver who is at fault?

The driver that hit the parked vehicle would be at fault.

WHAT IS Blocking wheelchair access ramp to sidewalk CA VEH CODE 22500L?

It is when your vehicle is obstrucing a wheelchair ramp, this can occur while you are parked or even stopped in front of a wheelchair ramp.