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Nothing. Blue cheese is all ready "spoiled" since the blue comes from mold as the cheese ages. You will be all right.

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You will be sick.

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Q: What will happen if you ate bad blue cheese?
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What causes blue cheese?

The mould grows on it over the years. It ends up smelling really bad, too. You dont want to go to cheddar caves and have a whiff of the cheese. Go Robert Pattinson!!!!!

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I would probably still be hungry. nothing bad will happen.

How do you know when blue cheese goes bad?

you will know by smelling it and if it stinks than it is bad so thorw it out

Does blue cheese goes bad?

Yes it will, like any other cheese, but it normally lasts a little longer than other fresh cheeses.

Why is blue cheese green?

Blue cheese gets the name from the veins of blue colored mold that go through it. It is intentional, as it is a cheese curd infected with penecillium to have that result, which also gives it the pungent flavor.

Your cat ate live lizard what should you do?

Nothing Bad would happen. Your cat is safe.

How is plague produced and why is it bad for your teeth?

because people ate too much cheese and pudding too also chicken and burritos.

What happens when you eat bad cheese?

if the cheese is'nt made with mould in it like cheddar then you will get ill from eating it but if it's blue cheese or something like it e.g. blue brie you should be ok

How do you know if your blue cheese is rotten?

# # Here are some ways to check: # # # Check the color of the blue cheese. If the white parts are beginning to turn yellowish, or the blue parts are beginning to turn green, don't eat it. If any part of the cheese is a color other than white or blue, it should be discarded. # Smell the blue cheese. If it smells like ammonia, it is beginning to go bad. The smell of blue cheese can become very potent over time, and this is normal. When it begins to smell like ammonia, it shouldn't be eaten. # Take a small bite of the blue cheese. If it tastes like blue cheese, only stronger, it's safe to eat. If the taste seems "off" in any way, it's better to discard the product. # Look for fuzz and mold that wasn't there when the blue cheese was fresh. Any additional growth could be a new, unhealthy bacteria forming on the cheese. # Check for slime. Blue cheese can develop a slimy texture when it begins to go bad. If there is any excess moisture, or if the texture is no longer dry and crumbly, it should be discarded.

What is the best cheese to eat if you have bad cholesterol?

Just guessing and my guess would be low fat mozzarella. According to the University of Copenhagenstudy, people who ate daily servings of cheese for six-week intervals had lower LDL cholesterol, the so-called 'bad' cholesterol, than when they ate a comparable amount of butter The cheese eaters also had the same level of LDL during the experiment than when they ate a normal diet. You can read more about this via the link listed in Sources and Related Links. So, eat your cheese, but heck do not overdose on the highest fatty cheeses on the market. LOL!