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The water will turn into whatever color the food dye.

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Q: What will happen if you combine water and food coloring?
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What would happen if you combine the bleach and food colouring?

The most likely outcome is that the food coloring color would disappear as it was bleached.

What's the steps of what happens when you put food coloring in water?

If I remember my science class correctly it has something to do with diffusion. the molecules of the food coloring combine with the molecules of the water which is why the food coloring doesn't separate from the water that easily. that is if i remember my science class correctly.

What will happen to a drop of food coloring when added to a cup of heated water?

The food coloring will spread throughout the water and become homogeneous faster than it would in cold or warm water. The food coloring would also mix evenly with the water faster if you stirred the water after adding the food coloring. This happens because the molecules are moving faster when they are heated up stirred.

How do you combine gold and pink in a wedding cake?

Food coloring

Does water mix with food coloring?

Yes. There is no harm in drinking water with food coloring. Food coloring is made to be consumed, whether with water, cake icing, or other foods.

What will happen if you put food coloring in a white rose white jasmine?

it will become the coler of food coloring you had.

Is water with food coloring an acid?

Only if the food coloring is itself acidic.

Do you have to put water in the food coloring?

you don't have to put water in food coloring you can put it in icing or cake batter

Does food coloring affect the avporation of water?

No, food Coloring is a water based dye, it will have a negligible effect on the rate at which water evaporates.

Can you drink food coloring mixed with water?

yes you can cause its just a food coloring

What makes food coloring?

food coloring is made up of many substances such as water and dye. The color of the dye is the color of food coloring.

What will happen if you pour vinegar and food coloring?

Yes you can