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bacterias will enter in your body which will turn into a horrible disease and it can also kill you if it is not shown to the doctor

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Q: What will happen if you don't have clean water to drink?
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Do people drink water that dinosaurs have walked you?

No because water gets cleaned almost every day in the earth and makes it purified so dont worry and drink your clean water.

Is water a drink?

yes you can and you must to stay alive. Even if you dont drink it direct as pure water it is in much of your food and other things you may drink.

How can you clean morphine out of your body to past a drug test?

drink lots of bloody water or dont do it in the first place.

How is dirty water cleaned so it is fit to drink?

they dont you drink dirty water everyday I think what the question ment is how does water go from dirty and smelly to clean and drinkable heres a link on how water is made to be drinkable

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Why is underground water clean and safe to drink?

Dont assume underground water is safe. There are so many chemicals that are disposed of in water that it can leech underground and contaminate underground water. If you have found what you think is a good natural water source, have it tested to see how safe it is before you use it to drink or water crops.

Do animals help water?

Yes, evaporation and precipitation mean there is usually clean water for them to drink. Rain also lets grass and vegetation grow, as part of the food cycle.

Why do you get out of breath when you drink water?

Because you dont breath when you drink water

How salt water fish drink salt water?

fish dont drink salt water they just feel it

Does elephants drink water from a pond?

no they dont

Why dont you drink sea water?

you will die

How to keep water clean?

dont pee in it