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Iceberg Lettuce is not Guinea Pig food and is not a healthy part of their diet. Guinea pigs may eat little pieces of iceberg lettuce as a treat, but will get no nutrition from it other than a little water. Guinea pigs that are given large amounts of iceberg lettuce will fill up on this food which has no nutrition, and it then prevents them from eating as much of their good foods. Eating a diet with lots of iceberg lettuce can cause them to be malnourished, get sick and die if only given iceberg lettuce (sad but true, this lettuce is inexpensive so people may be tempted to give it daily like food- causing their guinea pigs to die of starvation). Guinea pigs need lots of timothy hay and vitamin C rich pellets as the staple of their diet. Things like carrots, Oranges, blueberries, green leafy vegetables are great snacks that give them lots of vitamins. Iceberg gives no vitamins, no calories, but makes them feel full- so iceberg lettuce should only be given as a treat in small amounts and try to give them green lettuces instead- the darker the lettuce (spinach) the more nutritional value. Guinea pigs are not allergic to iceberg and will not have an adverse reaction to iceberg- it is safe to give in very small amounts.

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Nothing. Ice berg lettuce just has no nutritional value so eventually it would starve to death. It would, however, remain hydrated.

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Q: What will happen if you fed your guinea pig iceberg lettuce?
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What kinds of lettuce can rabbits not eat?

Just like humans, different rabbits have different taste preferences. The only way to know what type of foods one rabbit prefers is to observe her reactions when you feed it to her. Not all lettuces are healthy for rabbits. Avoid white/light-coloured varieties entirely (like iceberg and romaine hearts) because these are low in nutritional value for rabbits, and can lead to illness (like diarrhea). Dark-coloured lettuces (like fully-grown romaine, red leaf, green leaf) are healthy in moderation: they can be included in the rabbit's "salad" but they shouldn't be fed every day. See the related question below for more info about the rabbit diet.

What can guinea pigs eat and not eat?

parsley,radishes,celery,apples cut seeds out once i find my guinea pig book ill give you the rest. but why dont you give me youre email adress if you have one heres mine

What foods should not be fed to a rabbit?

I was told NOT to feed them Lettuce and cabbage. My lop eared rabbit just loved peaches. When he got through with one, all you would have was a very dry pit and he would have an orange beard. iceberg will give it diarrhea

Can guinea pigs eat crab grass?

guinea pigs dont because i fed one to my guinea pig and he just sniffed it and when he ate it.....he spit it out!!!!gross huh?

Can a baby lizard eat lettuce?

If it's part of the lizards natural diet - then yes it can. However - lettuce is very poor in nutrition, and should only really be fed as a 'treat' rather than in everyday food.

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What can't guniea pigs eat?

Guinea pigs enjoy a varied diet of fruits and vegetables, but there are some exceptions. Iceberg lettuce and cabbage of any kind are unhealthy for your guinea pig. Also, cauliflower and potato peeling should not be fed to your guinea pig. Meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, and bread are also unhealthy for it.

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Fifteen turtles are fed iceberg lettuce and vitamins, while another fifteen turtles are fed only iceberg lettuce

Can iguana eat spinach?

Yes, but not often. spinach has a lot ofprotein, and iguanas can't have too much protein. but, spinach is much better than iceberg lettuce, which shouldn't be fed to them at all because it's low in nutrients and is addictive.I would recommend feeding your iguana some spinach, other shreddedvegetablesand fruits (that are low in sugar), and green leaf or romane lettuce. DO NOT feed it iceberg lettuce or any kind of meat or dairy.

What would happen to the insects if all of the guinea fowl died?

There would be bad things that happened to insects if all of the guinea fowl died. These insects that fed on the guinea fowl would also die.

Is lettuce safe to fed your pet rabbit?

Some lettuce is poisonous to rabbits and can cause stomachaches. some lettuce can even be fatal.

Does the mother guinea ever fed her babys?

The mother will nurse the babies for the first six weeks. You may not see this happen. She will do this at night when you are asleep.

What kinds of lettuce can rabbits not eat?

Just like humans, different rabbits have different taste preferences. The only way to know what type of foods one rabbit prefers is to observe her reactions when you feed it to her. Not all lettuces are healthy for rabbits. Avoid white/light-coloured varieties entirely (like iceberg and romaine hearts) because these are low in nutritional value for rabbits, and can lead to illness (like diarrhea). Dark-coloured lettuces (like fully-grown romaine, red leaf, green leaf) are healthy in moderation: they can be included in the rabbit's "salad" but they shouldn't be fed every day. See the related question below for more info about the rabbit diet.

What does it mean when a guinea pig diareas?

I fed my guinea pigs some fresh greens, like kale and leafy lettuce, and they got diarrhea. I cleaned them up, and removed the greens and made sure the cage was clean and just fed them timothy hay and pellets for a week. They seemed to be fine after that. Not sure of all the problems medically, but I know that solved the problem because they are very healthy and active now.

What can guinea pigs eat and not eat?

parsley,radishes,celery,apples cut seeds out once i find my guinea pig book ill give you the rest. but why dont you give me youre email adress if you have one heres mine

What should be pet turtle fed with?

lettuce, tomatoes, soft caarrot and other juicy veg.