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Q: What will happen if you give alka seltzerto a 4 year old every day?
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Is Alka Seltzer Toxic?

No, eating an alka seltzer will not kill you. It will give you gas. Be prepared to burp.

What happens when you give a seagull alka-seltzer?

They will explode

What age can you give children alka seltzer?

Check the box.

What gas do Alka Seltzer tablets give off?

They give off carbon dioxide.

Can you give a sentence using word effervescence?

The Alka-Seltzer tickled my nose with its effervescence.

Does alka seltzer kill chickens?

It is possible that Alka Seltzer would kill a chicken. It creates a gas bubble that probably could not be released by a chicken. It also contains aspirin and that is known to be toxic to birds.

What gas do Alka-Seltzer tablets give off?

C o 2 carbon dioxide

How dog should be looked after?

every day you walk it, every you feed it one to three times, every day you play with it, every two days you give it a bath, every day you check if it is not feellng good( you can tell if he/she is not feeling good if it is sad or not playing around with you or it is not eating or not sleeping, and if this happen take it to the vet. also give your dog alot of love and care.

Do whales burp?

no if u feed seagulls alka selseltser they explode

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It means the speaker would give you10 dollars for every one of yours if what he says is not true or doesn't happen. eg I'll give ten to one it will rain before supper.

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Baby aspiring can be given to dogs every 8 to 12 hours. Do not give your dog baby aspirin without consulting your veterinarian.