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The compass will align itself with the magnetic field generated by the current flow through the wires.

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Q: What will happen if you place a magnetic compass in an electric curcuit?
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What happen to magnetic compass if the current is changed?

If an electric current flows through a wire, it will create a magnetic field. ... a ship or an airplane, it can damage or otherwise change the ship's magnetic compass.

What happen if a north pole of a magnet is kept on the north pole of magnetic compass?

magnetic compass will stop working.

What energy convertions happen in an electric motor?

Electrical into magnetic, and then magnetic into mechanical.

Does aurora borealis influence compass needles?

Scientists observed disruption of a the magnetic needle of a compass by the electromagnetic interference by Aurora Borealis which reflected perfect direction that coincided with the view of the phenomena. It was concluded this would only happen if electric currents were setting from south to north in the earth under the needle, or from north to south in space above it.

Does the Aurora borealis influence compass needles?

Scientists observed disruption of a the magnetic needle of a compass by the electromagnetic interference by Aurora Borealis which reflected perfect direction that coincided with the view of the phenomena. It was concluded this would only happen if electric currents were setting from south to north in the earth under the needle, or from north to south in space above it.

What would happen if there is no an electric switch in a curcuit?

Generally we use electric switches to put on or off the light,fan,computer,music system,etc.An electric switch is a device that is used to open or close an electric circuit.when we open an electric circuit the flow of electric current inthe circuit stops and when we close an electric circuit an electric current flows through it.

Is there ever a time when your compass will not point north?

Your compass will always point to the earth's north magnetic pole. That spot is about 940 miles from the real north Pole. Your compass only points to real north if you happen to be on the extension of the line that joins the two spots. Anywhere else, your compass points to one side or the other of the real north Pole.

What happen to the angle of declination as you get closer to the pole?

when you are close to the magnetic north pole, the declination will be so variable and unpredicatable that a magnetic compass becomes all but useless. You also need to consider the effect of local magnetic anomalies and polar wandering. felicity knows whats up<3

What do you use to find true north?

You need to know the variation (also referred to as declination) for your location. Once you have that, you add East variation (or plus) to your magnetic compass reading, and subtract West variation (or minus) from your magnetic compass reading to get true compass reading. To find North, simply line your magnetic compass up so that the needle is on North and then either add or subtract your variation to get the true North reading. See the links below to find the variation for your position.

Why would a compass needle move when placed near a circuit?

Any time current flows through a conductor an electromagnetic field is formed around the length of that conductor. The direction of current flow determines the polarity of this magnetic field.

When did Operation Compass happen?

Operation Compass happened on 1940-12-09.

What will happen if you put a compass next to an electromagnet that is switched?

the compass's needle will point at the electromagnet