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Some recent court decision have confirmed it would be Two Counts of Homicide , not merely one.

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Q: What will happen to a person if they kill a pregnant woman?
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No, he didn't kill anyone. He shot a woman, though. (#3.01)

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Definitely it can. A tiger will kill and eat any person that comes to its territory or attacks it.

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Sperm is edible but you may end up pregnant if you are female, this will only happen if you did not kill the sperm in the mouth.

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eventually and yourself too. I mean you would have to not eat for months for that to happen. eventually and yourself too. I mean you would have to not eat for months for that to happen.

Can you be charged with murder and vehicular homicide in the state of Ohio?

A person can only be charged with one type of homicide for each person who was killed. If a pregnant woman was killed and the fetus was at least half term, then there are two homicides with which a person can be charged. Vehicular homicide is typically a less serious offense than murder. If evidence exists that the driver purposely ran over an individual with the intent to kill him, and did kill him, the driver can be charged with murder.

If you blow in a girls vagina would you kill her?

Generally no. This is safe to do when the woman is not pregrnant. During pregnancy, a woman's circulatory system is more open to the atmosphere. So breathing into a pregnant woman's vagina could lead to air embolism, and that can be fatal.

Can a girl get pregnant if you cum on her vagina?

There are a series of variables that involved, but generally it'd be very hard to get pregnant by cumming on a woman's vagina. The main reason this is so is because the distance to get to the womb has been vastly increased, and that a woman's "wet" is very basic (the opposite of acidic) and it will kill sperm very easily.A woman's vagina is like this in the first place to prevent infection from pathogens such as bacterial agents and fungus.Nevertheless, if a man has cum part ways inside a woman, there is still a risk of the woman falling pregnant and it would be recommended to monitor whether the woman is pregnant and take subsequent action.Yes, she could get pregnant from this. The sperm can travel up the vagina and to the egg. They can then fertilise the egg.

If every person was to kill fish what would happen?

i think all the food chain would collaps