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You will die.

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Q: What will happen to a person with out a space suit in space?
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What will happen to a person without a space suit on Uranus?

You would practically freeze.

what would happen someone travel do on a person without a space suit?

It is possible to travel into space without a space suit, but if the capsule lost pressure, the astronauts blood would boil and they would be dead in about a minute.

How does a space suit allow an astronaut to walk in outer space?

The suit allows the person to walk in outer space, because the suit is designed to with stand the extreme heat and cold of outer space.

What would happen if you didn't wear a space suit in outer space and why?

you would not be able to breathe

Can a person go on mars?

Yes, if you have a space suit on.

What would happen to a body in space An already dead person with a suit and without Since there is no oxygen and no bacteria would it decompose or what?

With or without a suit on, the body would decompose because our bodies contian bacteria in our digestive tracts.

What is the name of an astronaut suit?

It's called a space suit

What would happen to an astronaut on Mars without a space suit?

He/she would suffocate and/or freeze.

What is space suit?

A space suit is a suit worn in space. This is necessary because of the vacuum and extreme conditions in outer space.

What would a person half to do if they live on Jupiter?

they have to were a space suit

What would happen if you didn't were a space suit?

Space is a vacuum. All of your insides would get sucked out of every hole in your body. Every hole.

What would happen to a human if they went on mars with out a space suit?

the human will die beacause there is no air on mars