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Q: What will happen to cactus plants if grown in loamy soil?
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What plants grown in loamy soil?

rose , hibicus , sugarcane etc

What will happen if cactus plant is grown in loamy soil instead of sandy soil?

For a start it would not grow, but if it were to be transplanted, it would rot unless the soil was kept very very dry.

In what type of soil is jowar grown?

It is grown in red soil.

Where is rajma grown?

it is grown in well drained loamy soil

Why groundnut is growm on loamy soil?

It is grown in loamy soil because loamy soil has the most nutrients in it compared to other soils.

Why wheat grown in clayey and loamy soil?

this is because wheat requires a lot of water which is present in clayey or loamy soil.

Which plants grow in loamy-soil?

almost any type of plant

Is black soil loamy?

Loamy soil is usually "black" but not all black soil is loamy. Or for that matter, even good soil at all. If former living things along with rounded dirt particles are what made the soil black, then you could expect that it might be loamy. If the black soil is from the bottom of a swamp, say, it might be nutritious soil for plants, yet not be loamy.

Why is jowar grown in Maharashtra?

Though it can be grown in a variety of soils including loamy and sandy soils, clayey deep regur and alluvium are the best suited soils for jowar.

What kind of soil is best for wheat plants?

The best soil for wheat plants is loamy soil, it is a mixture of sand ,silt and clay

Where are cereals grown?

Cereals, or cereal grains, are grown throughout much of the world, typically in open, flat areas. Some commonly-grown cereals include wheat, corn, oats, and rice.

How do you use loamy in a sentence?

The garden had a perfect balance of sand, silt, and clay, creating a loamy soil ideal for planting vegetables.