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Anorexia athletica is not a totally medical term. It is loosely used to describe someone who exhibits anorexic tendencies (self starvation, limiting food intake, malnourishment, low body weight, ect.) with a seemingly compulsive need to exercise. This exercise is usually done for long amounts of time, or continually throughout the day or week, and can be fairly intense.

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Q: What will happen to you if you suffer from anorexia athletica?
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People who suffer from anorexia are called anorexics.

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Eating disorders don't discriminate. It all depends on what that person ends up resorting to.. A man can just as easily have anorexia nervosa rather than bulimia nervosa & vice versa. D. MUSCLE DYSMORPHIA. i just took the homeschool test and its d :)

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Exercising to a dangerous extent. Going running, going to the gym, swimming for hours and hours everyday, in order to loose weight

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What people who suffer from believe that they are fat?

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