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Another snow leopard will come in and adopt the cub

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Q: What will happen when a feeding mother dies babies where feeding still?
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Will a raccoon still go out for food once the babies are born?

Yes, the mother will leave her babies for short periods to forage for food.

If you help hand feed a 3 day old parakeet will the mom still feed it as well?

If the mother was feeding it in the first place, then it should keep on feeding it =)

At what age to babies have finger nails?

A baby developes fingernails while still in the mother's whombccccccccccccccccccccccccc

When mommy hamsters eat there baby hamster's dose that mean that they are ready to go?

They can especially if you touch the baby and get your scent on it while it's still young. You should refrain from going near the mother and babies for a few weeks. If the mother still eats one of the babies, don't be alarmed because it may still happen, and there's not much you can do to stop that (they usually have a reason to, just as mother birds will push sick babies out of the nest before they can fly)

How can i raise 2 week old hamster babies without a mother because she ran away?

do everything that you can the same as their mother would have if she was still there

Can pot hurt breast feeding babies?

Yes, the drug is secreted through the breast milk and can damage their Brains/Organs since they are still not fully developed.

How dog mother moves with their babies?

they moves like a sluggish type of thing but they still kinda walk normal.

Will a broody hen be ok when the babies are taken away?

If the babies are still fluffy and cheeping it's better not to take the babies away from the mother or otherwise, The mother will be stressed and looking for them all day long, Which wouldn't be fair on her. You can give the chickens away when you identified them if they're a rooster or hen.

Will the mother hamster bite after the babies are born?

Yes. I've wrote that in a diffrent question so yes they will bite after they have their babies. It has happend to me and my mama is still mean to me if I try to hold her.

What is the cause for babies to belch?

Babies belch because their systems are still developing and they have no strong control in their oesophageal valve. For this reason, it is important to burp them during feeding as trapped air can be uncomfortable and lead to vomiting, reflux issues and stomach problems.

Your rabbit just gave birth 9 babies when can you check there still 9 there she gave birth 5th July?

You could check any time, but once the babies are feeding themselves on solid food it is advised to remove them as some mothers can turn on the babies and kick them to death for no apparent reason.

Is a baby any child still in diapers?

Answer Babies are exactly that, they were or are newly born and are babies until they reach the age when the start to walk and talk. In reality they are still babies, but older babies. To say that a child in diapers is a baby isn't correct because some mothers are too lazy to toilet their children, that doesn't make the kids babies, that only shows that the mother is lazy.