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They will repel each other.

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Q: What will happen when the south pole ends of two bar magnets come together?
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What would happen if two tornadoes came together?

If two tornadoes come together they merge into one tornado.

How come magnets look plastic and are flexible e.g like some fridge magnets?

Fridge magnets are usually made of flexible vinyl with thin magnetic strips in them to make them

Where do magnets attract each other?

Magnets are works on the same principle as how charge particles acts. If two like particles comes together, they will apply repulsion force to get away from each other. Meanwhile if two particle with different charge come together comes together they will attract each other (lovers). The same way if we put two like poles of a magnetics together they will repel each other but like poles will attract each other.

What happens if you bring the north end of one magnet naer the south end of another magnet?

The two magnets would be attracted and come together.Unlike poles will attract.Like poles will repel.

Why do unlike charges attract each other?

"Hold on...did you say like charges repel and unlike charges attract?" Yes, but this is really due to a different force, the electromagnetic force, which we will talk about at a different door. Even so, we will introduce this by an example. Hopefully you'll be familiar with this example. Have you ever put two magnets together and instead of coming together, they had to be pushed together? Magnets are composed of north poles and south poles. One can think of a north pole as being a positive charge and a south pole as a negative charge. North poles attract south poles like positive charges attract negative charges. Furthermore, like poles repel as like charges repel. But, there is a difference; you can never get a magnet with just a north pole or just a south pole. Even if the magnet is broken up into many tiny pieces, EVERY piece will have a north pole and a south pole. When two like poles are pushed together, they usually flip over so that the north pole and south pole come together. Now you have observed two facts at the same time; like poles repel (like "charges" repel) and unlike poles (unlike "charges") attract. Go ahead, take a bite out this new knowledge and experiment yourself. Try playing with the repelling and attracting properties of poles ("charges") with some magnets!

Related questions

If two magnets come together you say they what each other?

if two magnets come together we say they are

Do magnets come from the south pole?


What do you call magnets that come together?

it can be called oppisites because the north magnetic field and south magnetic field attract, or can be called attractions, because they attract

why do magnets behave in a different ways?

So that they can come together quickly

How and why do magnets attach?

They become attracted from the positive and negitively charged atoms. When these atoms come together, they attract to each other which makes the magnets attach.

Where do lines of longituded come together?

They come together at the North and South Poles.

What might happen if two magnets came close to each other?

They would either come togrther or repell apart

Where do latitude lines all come together?

They don't. Lines of longitude come together at the North and south Poles.

What do you know about magnetic attraction?

magnetic attraction occurs when the north pole and south pole or the south pole and north pole of a magnet come together or attract each other, they come close and once they are close enough they stick to each other

What happens when like poles of two magnets are bought close?

If they come end-to-end, they will either attract or repel depending on the polarity.If you bring the sides together, they often will slide to bring their ends + & - ends together.

What are the property of magnets?

Opposite poles of magnets attract each other while like poles repel. So... North is attracted to South but two Norths repeal and two Souths repel. Magnets are also attracted to magnetic substances such as Iron and Nickel. Basically, magnets have two poles, they come in various shapes and attract/repel other magnets.

What would happen if magnet faced same pole?

If one magnet's North Pole faced another magnet's North Pole, the magnets would repel eachother, meaning they would push away from eachother. If you put a North and a South pole together, however, they would attract, or come together. N+N= Repel S+S= Repel N+S= Attract S+N= Attract Well. I guess opposites really DO attract...