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The ball will retain its shape inside the container and won't change unless the container is altered in some way that affects the ball's shape.

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Q: What will happen when you put a plastic ball in a container?
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If you put a plastic ball in a container what will happen?

The plastic ball will remain in the container unless moved or acted upon by an external force. It will not change its state unless there is an external influence such as another object pressing against it or a change in temperature or pressure causing it to expand or contract.

A plastic disks density is less than water but greater than oil if you put all three together in a glass container where would you see the plastic disk?

The plastic disk would float on top of the water but sink below the layer of oil in the glass container. This is because the density of the plastic disk is in between that of water and oil.

How do you keep food cold in ice water?

To keep food cold in ice water, make sure the food is in a sealed container or bag to prevent water seepage. Place the container in a larger container filled with ice water, ensuring the water level stays above the food level to maintain cold temperatures. Replace melted ice with fresh ice as needed to maintain the cold temperature.

What is the best container to put sulfuric acid in?

The best container for storing sulfuric acid is a glass bottle or a container made of a high-grade plastic such as polyethylene or polypropylene. Both materials are chemically resistant to sulfuric acid and will not react with or degrade when in contact with the acid. It is important to always use containers specifically designed for storing corrosive substances to ensure safety.

What happens when you put a gas in a container?

When a gas is put in a container, it expands to fill the available space of the container, taking the shape of the container. The gas particles move freely within the container, colliding with each other and the walls of the container. The pressure inside the container increases as the gas particles exert force on the walls.

Related questions

If you put a plastic ball in a container what will happen?

The plastic ball will remain in the container unless moved or acted upon by an external force. It will not change its state unless there is an external influence such as another object pressing against it or a change in temperature or pressure causing it to expand or contract.

Can you put hot jam off the production line into a plastic container?

NO, NO, NO! if you put hot jam into a plastic container it will melt it.

Would it be ok if you put your snail in a plastic container?

yes you can but put food and grass in

What can do to protect the plants in Antarctica?

put a plastic container around the plants

Why does evaporated milk have to be stored in a glass or plastic container after opening?

well you can't put it back in the can so what else would you store it in. So it needs to be storded in a glass or plastic container well you can't put it back in the can so what else would you store it in. So it needs to be storded in a glass or plastic container

What container is safe to put dry ice in For example should i put dry ice in a metal bowl glass bowl or does it not matter?

Any container - metal, glass, plastic - will do. Bear in mind that a metal container will cool down; for this reason, glass and plastic are better.

Can rock candy be made in a plastic jar?

No because if you put hot water in a plastic container, it'll melt

How do you not freezer burn your chicken?

Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, and then put it in a container.

How do i put antifreeze in a 2001 dodge stratus?

You put it in the coolant reservoir, a plastic container with a radiator cap on it

Why your engine pings?

Next time do not put a container of ball bearings in the engine.

If you charge the end of a plastic comb and then put the same charge on the surface of a round metal ball what would happen to charge in each case?

the charges would repel

Is it so dangerous by eating the food which is put in the plastic bag when it's so hot?

can you put hot tomato sauce from stove into plastic and seal container with lid