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Possibly nothing. It depends on what mold was growing on the berries. Mold is really an indication that you shouldn't be eating the food, unless it actually belongs there - as in blue cheese or brie.

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Q: What will it do to you if you eat moldy raspberries?
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Can moldy raspberries be resqued by cooking?

Unless you want to get you or your family sick, i wouldn't recommend it. Raspberries are very small, but if you cut off the mold that works too.

Can you eat moldy nuts?

No, If you were to eat a moldy nut you would probably become extremely sick.

Can dogs eat moldy cheese?

Well, think about it, would you want to eat moldy cheese?

Do caterpillars eat raspberries?

caterpillers do eat raspberries though ive never seen this happen i predict that it does :)

If one strawberry is moldy are the rest ok to eat?

As long as they aren't moldy. We eat them all the time. If one in the pack is moldy we just throw it away and keep on eating them

Is raspberry a herbivore .?

No, a raspberry is a berry. Herbivores (such as deer and cattle) eat such things as raspberries and grasses.No. Raspberries are not animals that eat plants.

Is it dangerous to eat moldy berries?

Moldy grapes is dangerous because it can cause sickness or allergic reactions. Molds that are found on grapes, grains and nuts can produce a toxin called mycotoxins.

Why should you not eat moldy salsa?

Don't eat anything that is moldy that wasn't meant to be moldy. Molds can produce toxins that can make you ill. Because it won't taste very nice :)

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Are moldy chocolates safe to eat?

Truly moldy chocolate is not safe to eat. Though many times, people do confuse chocolate bloom with mold.

Why is moldy alfalfa bad for horses to eat?

It's not just moldy alfalfa that's bad for them, any moldy hay can cause colic and lead to death.

When you have moldy cheese is the cheese moldy cheese moldy throughout the whole block of cheese even thought it is not visible?

Yes. When cheese turns white it is moldy on the outside (oviously) but it is also moldy throughout the whole block of cheese. small particles and germs get in there when it looks good to eat but it is NOT!! do not eat cheese when it is molded on the out side because you get desices