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The king may kill it or make it leave the pride.

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Q: What will lions do if another male is born in a pride?
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How do lions court one or another by reproducing?

Lions dont have to court one another. When females lions come to heat, the male lions that head the pride get the privilege to mate with them. Only the male leader of the pride can mate with the females of the pride and nobody else. By virtue of being the pride leader, the male lion gets the opportunity to mate with all the females in the group

What is a group of young male lions called?

A coalition is a group of male lions living apart from a pride.

Are 2 male lions in a pride related?

No male lions in pride are related to the other lions.Once the domanate male gets old he would proberly be taken over by younger male lions

Why does the lioness not have a mane?

Because Manes are meant for the male lions. Male lions are the ones that fight with one another to take control of the pride. Without a mane, most male lions would be easily killed during a fight.

How long are lions looked after by their parents after birth?

Lion cubs are taken care of by the pride and its parents for approximately 3 years. Male lions that reach adolescence are kicked out of the pride by the pride ruling male. Female lions stick to the pride and stay with them for as long as they are alive.

When is a male lion sexualy mature?

Female Lions or Lionesses become sexually mature at around the age of 4 years. Male lions too mature at around the same age but are ousted by the pride leader (the older male lion of the pride). Male lions don't get mate around this age of 4. for nearly 2 years they roam around as bachelors and once they reach an age of around 6, they take over a pride by ousting the resident male. Then they get a chance to mate with the pride lionesses. Male lions have a time frame of around 2-3 years when they are sexually active and head a pride before another healthier lion ousts them.

What is pack of lions called?

A "pride" refers to very large cats --- lions, etc. Domestic cats are called a "clowder ".

Do lions eat there cubs?

No. Lions don't eat their cubs. However, male lions are known to kill the cubs fathered by the ousted male when they take over a pride. They do this to bring the females to heat so that they can produce their own genetic line. Apart from this, lions are not known to kill their own.

What is the meaning of Pride of lions?

A pride of lions is a family group with one adult male, several females and usually a number of cubs.A single lion pride can have one or two male lions. 10 or more female lionesses are known to be a part of the pride. Apart from them there can be numerous cubs and adolescents in a pride. Prides with upto 3 male lions have been seen and recorded but the usual male number in a pride is one or at most two. Lions hunt as a group/pride. They stay low and hidden and go near an unsuspecting prey like a Gazelle or a Zebra and then once sufficiently close, they sprint and take down the prey. All animals of the pride take part in the huntOkay well a lion pride is a group of lions that usually consists of one dominant male and 5-10 females and their cubs. Female lions hunt and look after the young whilst male lions will defend the territory they live in and usually when females bring back a kill they will all back off and let the male feed.

Does a pride of lions have more than one male?

A single lion pride can have one or two male lions. 10 or more female lionesses are known to be a part of the pride. Apart from them there can be numerous cubs and adolescents in a pride. Prides with upto 3 male lions have been seen and recorded but the usual male number in a pride is one or at most two. Lions hunt as a group/pride. They stay low and hidden and go near an unsuspecting prey like a Gazelle or a Zebra and then once sufficiently close, they sprint and take down the prey. All animals of the pride take part in the hunt

How do African lions ATT ract mates?

A Male Lion does not have to attract a female lioness. When a male lion takes over a pride by ousting the lead male lion of the pride, it automatically wins over the harem of lionesses that are part of the pride. He now heads the pride and has the right to mate and father cubs with the females of the pride. He has that right until another male lion ousts him from his place as the pride leader.

Who catches the food in a lions pride?

The female lionesses of the pride do the bulk of the hunting. Male lions duties mostly involve protecting the pride and fathering cubs. However, in cases where the pride is trying to bring down a large prey like a Giraffe or a Cape Buffalo, male lions too involve in the hunt.