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Improvement: quick sand doesn't sink in quicksand and things with low density X mass

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Q: What will not sink in quick sand?
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How long does it human take to sink in quick sand?

ho long dose it take a humien to sink in quick sand

What can you sink into that is wet and fells muddy?

Quick sand

On the big al game where are the sauropods?

near the quick sand but don't go on the quick sand in case you sink.

Why do you sink in quick sand if you are trying to get out?

cause it pulls you down

What should you do if you get caught in quick sand?

Don't move as it will make you sink faster.

Why does a mule not sink in quick sand but a donkey does?

Of course, everything can sink in quicksand.

How does Quick sand pulls us?

first of all quick sand does NOT pull you in you dont sink you can walk on it but if it did it would be ummm oh yeah its special sand it floats then when you stand in it it sinks to the bottom .

Will a mule sink in quicksand?

A Donkey will sink in quick sand because it will struggle and cause itself to sink, while a mule will remain calm and only partially stuck.

What happens when someone goes in quick sand?

They start to sink, the more they struggle the further they sink or get stuck. I watched an episode of Bear Grylls were he was trapped in a bog and got out using his upper body.

What is land that is soft and wet and yields to pressure of which if one tries to stand on it would sink?

Quick sand, bog and muskeg all have such properties.

Is quick sand faster in the desert or in the beach?

it doesnt matter... quicksand makes you sink at the same speed everywhere cuz it takes a certian amount of water mixed with sand to make quicksand.

Why does sand sink to the bottom of water?

Sand has a higher density than water, so it sinks to the bottom when placed in water due to gravity pulling it down. The sand particles are heavier and more compact than water molecules, causing them to settle at the bottom.