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i think it was alberto

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Q: What will the first hurricane of the year 2006 be named?
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What was name of the first hurricane in the year 2008?

The first named storm was Ana (tropical storm); the first hurricane was Bill.

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What was the name if the last hurricane within the 2010 year?

The last named hurricane in 2010 was Hurricane Tomas.

What year was hurricane Elise?

Hurricane Elise was a 'fake' and used in Miami in 2006 as a Hurricane Drill practice

Was there a hurricane named Danielle before?

Yes, in addition to this year's hurricane Danielle, the years 1998 and 2004 had storms named Danielle reach hurricane strength.

Why could a hurricane nver be named Zoe?

Hurricanes go by season. They name them in order of the alphabet and every year they start over. It would have to be a really bad year if you had a hurricane named Hurricane Zoe.

What will be the name of the first tropical storm in the Atlantic and Caribbean in the year 2014?

The first named storm of the 2014 Atlantic Hurricane Season will be Arthur.

What year did kaylee the hurricane got its name?

hurricane kaylee got its name in 1984 in florda

Was there a hurricane named William?

No. In each year hurricanes are named in alphabetical order. Only in 2005 did the names reach as far as W with Hurricane Wilma.

What were the damages of hurricane Earl?

Which year are you talking about. There are several storms named Earl.

What year did Ike hurricane hit?

Hurricane Ike was the third most destructive hurricane to ever make landfall in the United States. It was the ninth named storm, fifth hurricane and third major hurricane of 2008.

What year did The West Lothian council win an award for best UK council of the year?

2006.First Scottish council to be named as such.