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Q: What will the radial clearance be when the diametrical clearance cannot be measured?
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What is radial heart rate?

A radial heart rate is one that is measured over the radial artery, which is easiest found in the wrist.

Where can pulse rate be measured?

It can be measured at several artery locations, usually the radial artery in the wrist.

Recommended air pressure in radial tyres of santro car?

The recommended air pressure for the radial tires on your Santro automobile is 28 pounds. The air pressure should be measured before the car is driven.

What is the minimum clearance of a propeller to the airframe structure?

According to FARS . radial clearence is 1". and horizontal ( prop to landing gear/tire ) is half inch.

For the Doppler effect to occur?

For the Doppler effect to occur the measured object must be in motion (radial velocity) relative to the emitter of a wave.

Is it safe to use radial tube with non-radial tire?

You can use a radial tube in a bias ply tire BUT you can not use a bias tube in a radial tire. The sidewall flex of a radial tire is greater than that of a bias ply. A bias tube cannot flex as rapidly as a radial tube and so the resulting friction or rubbing create too much heat and the tire/tube combination will blow.

Which artery runs in the radial groove with radial nerve?

radial artery

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What does carotid pulse radial pulse and heart monitor mean?

A carotid pulse is the heartbeat measured at the carotid artery site, on the sides of the neck. A radial pulse is the pulse or heartbeat taken at the wrist, where the radius and ulna intersect. A heart monitor is on of many devices that measure cardiac performance.

What is the name of the artery in your wrist where you check your pulse?

The radial artery is the one that is used to take a pulse at the wrist.

What kind of symmetry does a jellyfish have?

Jellyfish have radial symmetry.Jellyfish are a part of a group called Cnidarians and the have Radial Symmetry.radial symmatry. . . Means all planes about longitudinal axis wil give you two equal halves. .

What is run-out?

the radial variation of a true circle. the radial variation of a true circle. the radial variation of a true circle. the radial variation of a true circle.