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considering reciprocate basically means to give back or whatever, then he should already like you. or else you used the word wrong. if it means nothing to him that you like him, i would suggest that you get over him and move on. find someone else.

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Q: What will you do if you reciprocate your feelings to the person you like but it's like nothing to him?
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move on

When you like someone and you find out they like you back you completely lose feelings for them What is wrong with you?

This sounds downright weird. If you have feelings for someone, then why will you lose them once you get to know that even they reciprocate those feelings. I think you don't actually feel for the person.

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Yes, its perfectly natural, but they won't reciprocate the feelings.

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Reciprocate means to respond to a gesture or action in a like manner or experience the same feelings for someone.

What if you like some one and you think they did not like you?

You will never know that the person likes you until you ask them directly. They could probably like you too, so have hope. If they don't like you, it's okay. Someday you'll find that special someone who will reciprocate your feelings, all it takes is patience, and a positive attitude. You will never know that the person likes you until you ask them directly. They could probably like you too, so have hope. If they don't like you, it's okay. Someday you'll find that special someone who will reciprocate your feelings, all it takes is patience, and a positive attitude.

How do you get a boy to like you if they already know that you like them and dont like you back?

It's important to accept that not everyone will reciprocate our feelings. Focus on being yourself and building a strong friendship with the person. Show genuine interest in their hobbies and passions, and remember that true connections often develop organically over time. If they continue to not reciprocate your feelings, it's okay to move on and focus on finding someone who appreciates you for who you are.

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Some women are scared when they really like a guy for a very simple reason. Rejection. They are afraid that the guy will not reciprocate the feelings that she holds for him.

What is a great question to ask your crush?

A great question to ask your crush would be, "Do you like me?" Time spent admiring someone that does not reciprocate your feelings is time that has been wasted.

What should you do if you like your ex boyfriend again?

Tell him exactly how you feel. Guys appreciate honesty. Maybe he'll reciprocate your feelings. If he doesn't then just take it that it wasn't meant to be.

How do you deal with the fact you like someone and thay know but have done nothing about it?

You say this person knows you have special feelings for them. Then be direct and ask the person how they feel about you. Try never to hide behind shyness. If you need to know something just ask. If the person doesn't share your feelings, move on.

What do you do when a person doesn't like you but you like them a lot?

this is what i would do if you like the persone alot but they don't like you back you should not run after them like a dog like that because they're not worth it now listen sweetie im sure your a nice persone and deserves someone that treats you right trust me I've been in your shoese before and i say forget your crush and move on and if you cant well try to be good friends with your crush if you get closer to them mabey he will realise that he really likes you too! If that dosent work i wish you the best of luck oh and i forgot if the persone dosent like you back mabey they are playing heard to get alot of ppl do that!!!!! ROCK ON Love ya pce out If you like a person alot you can still like them whether or not they reciprocate your feelings. You cannot make another person like you by stooping to their levels or showering them with gifts. Some people do not have the capacity to like or love anyone else but themselves. If you find yourself liking or loving this kind of person, then it is best to move on and find one that can reciprocate your feelings.

What do you do when your exboyfriend likes a girl that you know?

Answer There is nothing you can do--as you two are broken up, you are both free to be interested in and date who you wish He has no right to tell you who to like and vice versa. If you still have feelings for your ex, this is the best time to give yourself space by having as little contact with him as you can. Trying to be friends with an ex when you still have feelings for him is a futile effort---you'll be putting your own life on hold, searching for any significance in his words and actions, hurt when he doesn't reciprocate your feelings.