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Q: What will you feel if the baby detaches from the placenta?
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What are the possible cause for the baby to die inside the womb?

The baby will die easy in you if the placenta detaches!!!!

Why would a placenta not separate entirely?

sometimes a placenta can have abnormal growth and attachment to the uterus (the growth can penetrate deeply into the muscle of the uterus) and this can cause the placenta to stay attached. This is not the norm. Usually a placenta is superficially attached to the muscle of the uterus and easily detaches after a baby is born

Why can't pregnant women get on roller coasters?

the rigorous movements causes placental abruption which means the placenta, which transfers nutrients and oxygen, detaches from the uterus and the baby dies.

What is placental abruption in prematurity or premature birth?

Placental abruption is a medical condition in which the placenta detaches from the uterus.

What happens if the umbilical cord detaches during birth?

It is not possible for a baby to be born without an umbilical cord. It would not survive in the womb without a placenta delivering its needed nutrients.

What attatches the placenta to the baby?

The umbilical cord attatches the placenta to the baby's belly.

37 weeks pregnant with placenta maturation?

During this period your uterus is stretched to the max. You can feel your body change to fit the baby. Your placenta is at a mature point during the pregnancy.

What does 'placenta Anterior mean in doctors notes after a pregnancy scan?

It means that your placenta is in the front of your uterus. This is not an issue in early pregnancy as the placenta usually moves as pregnancy progresses. If it is still anterior near end of pregnancy it can make you have to have a C-section. Also, it will be harder to feel the baby's kicks and movement as an anterior placenta cushions the baby from the tummy.

What are the differences and functions of placenta and umbillicle cord?

The nutrients of the baby is located at the placenta while the umbilical cord links the placenta and the baby.

To which structure does the umbilical cord connect the embryo?

The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta and the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus

How does the umbilical cord come out of the mom Will it fall out or do you have to cut it out?

The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, which develops to nourish the fetus. During gestation, the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus. However, after the baby is delivered the placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus and is delivered through the mother's vagina via contractions of the uterus like those that delivered the baby. The delivery of the placenta is the third stage of labor. Complications can arise if the placenta does not detach properly, or if is positioned such that it delivers before the baby. Severe bleeding and maternal death could result. In Western cultures, the umbilical cord is generally cut soon after the baby is delivered and the placenta and umbilical cord are disposed of following delivery. However, blood stem cells can be harvested from the cord for medical treatments. Also, some cultures allow the baby to remain attached to the placenta and umbilical cord until it degrades naturally. Some people also keep the placenta and have the mother consume it, or they plant it int he ground with a tree to nourish the tree or it is saved as a keepsake.

Do you feel babies heartbeat in womb?

No you can't. If you can feel a pulse over your pregnant abdomen it is the large vessels in your uterus supplying the placenta.