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Q: What wire is used to spread the heat from a Bunsen burner?
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Related questions

What are burner used for?

A Bunsen burner is a gas burner. It is used to warm or heat the substances. Methane is used in this burner.

What is the function of the barrel of the Bunsen burner?

Control of the ratio gas fuel/air in the burner.

What kind of object is a Bunsen?

a bunsen is a type of burner used to heat test tube

What is a Bunsen burner and what is its function?

The bunsen burner is used to heat items for experiments using a controllable temperature flame and surface area at which the heat is applied to the vessel.

How is a Bunsen burner used to identify a substance?

The role of Bunsen burner is to heat; some metallic ions have specific colors in the flame.

What is Bunsen burner and hose used for?

The hose carries gas to the burner. The burner is used to produce heat in lab experiments.

What is a Bunsen burner and use?

we cn usE bunSen burner ..... so that we coUld leaRn it?!

Why is it fairly safe to use a bunsen Burner to heat a solution that gives off hydrogen gas?

Bunsen burner is not used to obtain hydrogen.

What is the uses of Bunsen burners?

A Bunsen Burner, is piece of equipment particularly used in a science lab. The Bunsen Burners creates a gas flame which is used to assist in experiments. The Bunsen burner originating from 1852, given the name by Robert Bunsen.

Where is a Bunsen Burner commonly used?

A Chemistry laboratory, to heat things.

What is used to heat small amounts of liquids in lab?

A Bunsen Burner.

What is the use of a Bunsen burner in science?

It is used to heat / burn objects.