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No one knows, as it is not mentioned in The Bible. However, the Cedar of Lebanon grows prolifically in those areas. As the crosses used for execution were used over and over again for criminals, they had to be very durable and strong. This strain of Cedar wood matches those qualities, so it could well be the material from which the cross was made... but this is pure speculation and has no basis in scripture.

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No it was more likely a teak wood used to make the cross.

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Q: What wood was used to make Jesus cross?
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The Bible does not indicate what kind of wood that the cross is made of. Furthermore, the cross could not have been made from a dogwood tree because dogwood trees do not grow in Israel.

What wood was used for the cross?

A:We will never know just what wood was used for the cross on which Jesus was crucified. It had probably already been used several times for previous crucifixions, and would have continued to be used until no longer usable, when it would then have been used by the soldiers for firewood. We can be sure that the wood would have been of poor quality, unsuitable for other purposes.

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No; a cross made of unknown wood was carried by Christ (and a "Simon"). However, your imagery here is spiritually accurate; many parallels are drawn between "cross" and "tree" in commentary, and even in Scripture. While the wood used to make the cross is unknown, Jewish tradition and historical evidence holds that it was made of almond wood, trees that were in abundance near and around Jerusalem.

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A:We do not know where Jesus was crucified, but there is no cross still standing anywhere in the Jerusalem area. There are, however, supposed relics taken from the cross and distributed to so many churches that it is estimated they constitute sufficient wood to make several crosses.

What type of cross did Jesus die on?

The wood was either teak or rose wood, as it had to be strong to carry the mans weight.

Why was olive wood used for Jesus' Cross?

Why do you assume it was Olive wood? Neither the Bible, nor any other historlical document from those times, gives the merest hint of what wood the cross was made from. It is unlikely that it was Olive wood anyway - Olive trees are small and would not be sufficiently large to produce even an upright let alone a crossbeam. Most likely the wood used was Cedar ( the Cedar of Lebanon was a common tree there) or any number of large trees that produced timber of sufficient strength and size to make the production of a cross from it a possibility.

Does Jesus' original cross still exist?

Well, the wood is probably rotten by now....