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Q: What word contains a Greek root that means straight or correct?
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What Greek root words contain the meaning straight or correct?

Orthopedist is a word that contains a Greek root that means "straight or correct."

What does Greek word ortho means in English?

Orthodoxos in Greek means "having a straight, hence a true, opinion." In religion, the word "orthodox' means "having the correct faith or worship." 'Ortho' means straight or correct, and 'dox' (doxa) means glory or worship.

What is a Greek root word that means straight or correct?

the word is erect which you use for straight up or co-rect

What does ortho mean?

The greek word "ortho" means "true, or straight". For example, orthodox means "true teaching" and orthodontist is someone who straightens teeth.

What does tectonics mean in greek?

If I am correct, tectonics means "carpenter or builder".

What does the root word ortho mean?

It came from the Greek word "Orthos," which means straight.

What does it mean when you say 'damn straight' to someone?

it means that they are most certainly correct my good sir!

What is the fullform of OK?

The meaning of OK is Oll Korrect these are greek words that means all correct.

Define the root word of orthodontist?

The root word of orthodontist is "ortho-", which means straight or correct, and "-odont-" which means tooth. So, orthodontist refers to a dental specialist who corrects the alignment of teeth.

What does the root word rect mean?

Rectify is derived from the Latin "rectus", meaning "straight". Hence rectify means "to straighten" or by extension "to correct" or "to make right".

Is the prefix bi Greek or Latin?

The previous answer here was "greek". Unfortunately, this is incorrect; perhaps it was a guess? The correct answer is Latin; reference: .

Is paenia or penia correct English?

Penia is correct in both UK and US English.In UK English, words describing blood and using the word "haem" to build their prefix or suffix are spelled with an "ae" - e.g. haemophilia, leukaemia. Similarly with paediatrics. Haem is a Latinised form of the Greek haima, which means blood. Paed is a Latinised form of the Greek pais, meaning child.Penia is a Greek word meaning insufficiency or a lack of. It has been taken straight from the Greek into our medical terminology. Some do Latinise it and use paenia, but this would only really make sense if it were painia in Greek.