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Q: What word is the simple subject of the sentence My younger brother found a nest in the oak tree?
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What is the simple subject for: My brother runs and works out every morning?

The simple subject of the sentence in the question is brother.

What is the simple subject in the sentence In the dark night your brother scared you?

Brother is the simple subject.

What is the simple subject of this sentence your brother runs and works out ever morning?

The simple subject is "brother".

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The noun "brother" is the simple subject and "your brother" is the complete subject.

What is the simple subject of this sentence my brother runs and works out every morning?


What is the simple subject of the sentence my brother runs and works out every morning?


What is the simple subject in this sentence your brother runs and works out every moring?


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The simple subject of the sentence is "you".

What is a simple subject?

A simple subject is a thing. If it were talking about a Baseball or a sentence the baseball is the simple subject.

The simple subject of a sentence consists of?

the simple subject of a sentence is what the sentence is in one word

Can a pronoun be a simple subject?

Yes, a pronoun can be a simple subject in a sentence. A simple subject is the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about, and it can be a pronoun like "he," "she," "it," or "they."

What is the simple subject in the sentence They can be funny or serious?

"They" is the subject of that sentence.