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Gold Brick

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Q: What word means To avoid work word with gold in it?
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Related questions

What word or phrase that contains the word gold in it means To avoid work?

The term is goldbricker.

What word means 'to avoid work'?


Is shirk a Scrabble word?

Yes, it means to avoid work, duties or other responsibilities.

Creating false symptoms to avoid work?

Faking illness to avoid work is called malingering. It comes from the French word, malingre which means sickly. Someone who does this is called a malingerer.

What does skive mean?

The word skive means to take an unauthorized break or to shirk one's responsibilities at work. Skive also means to avoid work or one's duties.

What does ergonomically means?

Ergonomics is the study of people's efficiency in their work environment.

What word means to work out a problem?

Resolve means to work out a problem.

What word means to avoid work by making up excuses?

Shirk; sojer ( nautical term from "soldiers" on a ship, i.e. the marines, who don't do any of the work); gold-brick.

What explains why the word ergonomics means the study of people's efficiency in their work environment?

The word "ergonomics" is derived from two Greek words: "ergon" meaning work and "nomos" meaning laws. Thus, ergonomics refers to the study of designing a work environment that best fits the capabilities and limitations of individuals to optimize their efficiency and well-being.

What does Trabajador means?

As a noun, the word trabajador means worker, it comes from trabajar which is to work. As an adjective, it means hardworking.

What does malingering mean?

It means pretending to be ill or disabled in order to avoid work.

What is the word for creating false symptoms to avoid work?

malinger feign faking