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Q: What word means cause to appear?
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What does reappear mean what is its prefix word?

First things first, the word 'Appear' means to come into sight; become visible or noticeable, typically without visible agent or apparent cause. That's the definition you would find if you were to Google the word. Now, 'Reappear' means for the same thing to happen again, or again and again, that's what the origin of the prefix word "Re" means; and that is the prefix word to "Reappear". Hope this helps.

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According to, there does not appear to be a single word that means "by default".

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How many times does the word 'cause' appear in the Bible?

The word 'cause' appears 303 times in the King James version.

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The word "dwarf" can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a very short person or a mythical creature. As a verb, it means to cause to appear small in size or importance.

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"Disrupt" is a word that means to disturb or cause worry or difficulties.

What is a three letter word that means diminish?

Diminish: verb:to make smaller or cause to appear smaller in size or decrease.Some three letter words for diminish: CutDieDipEbbSag

What does Kia means in the bible?

For a word to mean something in the Bible, it must appear in the Bible. In the King James version the word - kia - does not appear at all.

What does kardex means?

The word "kardex" does not appear in the English language dictionary.

What is the word meaning to cause to flow?

The word you are looking for is "discharge." It means to release or cause to flow.