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active listening

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Q: What word means focusing your full attention on what another person is saying and letting that person know you understand and care?
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To occupy or engage the attention of?

To occupy or engage the attention of another person is important to the person that is talking. Paying attention is a way of letting the person talking that they what they are saying is important.

How can you show someone you are listening?

You look them straight in the eyes, and you nod your head, letting them know that you understand what they're saying, and that your paying attention

How does active listening different from just listening?

active listen you focus your full attention to the other person and to what he/she is saying, and letting that person know you understand and care

How does active listening differ from just listening?

active listen you focus your full attention to the other person and to what he/she is saying, and letting that person know you understand and care

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When I Am Having A Bad Hair Day I Wear My Biggest And My Best Earrings. I Suggest Focusing On The Other Features Of You Face To Draw Peoples Attention Away From Your Hair. If You Have Time Try Wetting Your Hair And Letting It Air Dry.

How do you get a girls attention without letting her know you like her?

I would ask her a question about homework

If he pays you no attention but you sometimes catch his eye does he like you?

Well, probably not... You said he only cathes your eyes sometimes, probably accidentaly. You never know however, boys are some times hard to understand;) If you like the boy you should try letting him know though

What do you do when a guy tries to get a girls attention when she dose not like the guy?

If it is happening to another person, then simply don't do anything. If the guy is your friend, than tell him but be kind. And if the girl is you, tell him but be kind. Trust me,there is nothing worse than not letting a guy know that you don't like him especially if he is trying to get your attention. And if you are the guy, stop.

What is a kittens cry called?

A kitten's cry is a mew or a meow. When a kitten is crying it's generally to get the attention of the mother, letting them know they are hungry, scared, or even just want attention.

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they test it by letting your mom smoke it

Is a ferret okay without another ferret?

Ferrets can be okay by themselves - as long as they have plenty attention from humans and plenty of time out of their cage. My ferret is an only ferret after his cagemate died of old age at 9 years. I do not cage him, letting him free roam in a ferret proof bedroom, and I play with him a lot as he does demand my attention. If your ferret is going to be alone if you are away from home frequently, like for a job or school, then another ferret would be needed for companionship.

How do you respond if someone says 'I hear you'?

In casual conversation, the phrase "I hear you" can have several meanings. One is "I understand, I get it, I know what you mean." The response to that is something positive, like "Good. I'm glad you understand." But another meaning is that you are talking too loudly and the person is letting you know. You can usually tell by the person's tone of voice if this is what they intended to tell you.