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Q: What word means the chronological or time order of events in a reading passage?
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What is reverse chronological order?

Chronological order means a list of events in the order that they happened. So reverse chronological order would mean starting with the last event and going backwards.

What is meant by reverse chronological order?

Chronological order means in the order that the events happened. So reverse chronological order would mean starting with the last event and going backwards.

What is non-chronolgical?

When something is in "chronological order", it means it is in order of time. For example, a story might be told in chronological order - explaining the events in the order they happened. "Non-chronological", of course, means that some things are told in a different order.

What is meant by Chronological Order?

Chronological order means the order, in terms of time, in which a series of events occurred. For example, if I were to write the events of my day in chronological order, they would be written in the order they happened, starting from when I woke up this morning, and ending when I go to sleep at night.From the beginning to the end.

A sentence with the word chronological?

events that happen in chronological order. Chronological order means arranged by time it occurred, so events arranged into chronological order happened in order, as if on a timeline. example: john is born-john is married-john has a son-john dies.

How can chronological be used in a sentence?

Chronological means in the correct order of time. Therefore, you could use a sentence such as: 'List the events in chronological order.' or 'The information was in the form of a chronological timeline' though in the second example it is largely unnessecary, some people like to use big words to make themselves look better :)

What does a chronological account of someone's life mean?

It means the history of someone's life in the same order in which the events happened

What is chronological perspective?

The word root "chron" means "time" and "logic" means "reason" or "understanding". With these two put together, chronological is defined as an understanding over time. It is important to look at life, world events, etc. from a chronological perspective because we can see where ideas have evolved from and what they are headed towards. When we understand the sequence of events, we can avoind repeating mistakes - plus we can better predict the future.

What is a chronological perspective?

The word root "chron" means "time" and "logic" means "reason" or "understanding". With these two put together, chronological is defined as an understanding over time. It is important to look at life, world events, etc. from a chronological perspective because we can see where ideas have evolved from and what they are headed towards. When we understand the sequence of events, we can avoind repeating mistakes - plus we can better predict the future.

What does chronoligical mean?

Chronological structure means listing events in the order they occurred linearly. Time and date are used for chronological listing of events, with the earliest listed first and the most recent listed last.

If an author tells the story in exactly the way the events happen in real life the story is told in?

If an author tells the story in exactly the way the events happen in real life, the story is told in a linear or chronological narrative. This means the events are presented in the order they occur without any disruption or rearrangement.

What is the opposite to chronological?

Non-chronological - because chronological means time order and so non- chronological means not in time order. Please write on my message board if you have received this message! H11pinkyx