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Q: What word means the kick off for a chain of events that follow?
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How do you put a chain back on a dirt bike?

kick it

What is the origin of the phrase 'Kick it with Jesus'?

"Kick it means" means "hang out" or come and spend time with. Kick it with Jesus means be with Jesus.

Why follow through in a soccer kick?

It makes the kick more powerful of you swing and follow through the ball will most likely go farther, if you kick it and don't follow through the ball will most likely roll slowly towards wherever you want it to go.

How do you make the board follow you in the air while doing a kick flip?

the board doesn't follow you, you follow the board.

How do you start competing on school sports day?

Compering means :-"A person who acts as host at formal occations"

What is side-chain in audio recording?

Sidechaining is where you have two signal, A and B and the signal B affects how signal A is processed. For example if you have a kick drum and bass track, if you put a compressor on the bass track and send the kick drum to the side-chain of that compressor, the compressor will act by how the kick drum plays, and thus gives more room for the kick to cut thru the mix as the bass ducks when the kick drum hits.

To kick your heels up means?

To "kick up your heels" means to enjoy yourself, have a good time, party on, etc.

What do people mean when they say to kick with your laces?

in soccer when they tell you to kick with your laces it means to kick with the top of your soccer shoe

Can you still marry if you use cheats to get red hearts in harvest moon cute?

No, you can not do that, no seriously, you'll kick yourself if you use cheats, my advice is, follow through the heart events. (I tried cheats on it once to marry and it turned out i hadn't done any of the heart events, so i had to do it all over again)

How do you kick afootball?

It depends, if you want to punt or kick. if you want to punt you put it in your hands, then kick it. if you want to kick it you set it on the floor and get your foot and hit the ball with your foot, that means you kick it.

18 yr old lives at home and won't follow the rules?

kick them out.

Can you get a anti kick chain for a chainsaw?

You can get low kick back chain for saws. Oregon makes these chains, the product numbers are: 91VG, 91P, 33, 34, 35SL. They also have bumper drive links on other chain to help reduce kick back. Use this link to find the right chain for you saw: