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Q: What word means the period from about age 12 to 19 during which a child gradually changes into an adult?
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When was the mesomorphic period?

The mesomorphic period refers to a period during which the young animal is rapidly changing into an adult form.

Why changes occur during puberty?

Changes occur because this is the period in which the body changes from a child into an adult. The sexual organs develop and allow the person to be able to create new life, IE, babies. It is the circle of life. IT'S ADOLECENCE, THEY Occur cuz you need to become a grown up so that you can have sex...HOW old are you?

What is the difference between puberty and adolecence?

Adolescense is ALL of the changes turning you into an adult, puberty is during adolescence and this is the physical changes of your body i.e dropping of balls, growing of the penis

Is height been affected if girls reaches puberty?

Girls grow during puberty and increase in height. Lots of changes happen to girls as they grow into an adult.

What were some changes in governmenting after the Vietnam war?

End of the draft; a new all volunteer military. New adult age was 18 (adult age during the war was age 21).

During the life cycle of a frog af first a tadpole looks verry different from an the adult frog but soon changes and begins to resemble the?


What are the changes that an organism goes through to become an adult?

the change an organism goes through to become an adult

How big is the respiratory?

The size of your respiratory system depends on how big you are. It gradually gets larger as you grow from an infant to an adult.

Why do adults get mustache?

Facial hair in males normally appears in a specific order during puberty. Puberty is the process of physical changes by which a child's body matures into an adult body.

At what age do your breasts get big?

Breasts start to develop during your pre-teens and teens as you go through puberty, then into your early twenties as fat distribution changes breast size can increase in size. As an adult breast size can also change with weight changes, hormonal changes, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

What does the Athenian government give voting rights to?

During the radical democracy period, government was by the assembly of the adult male citizens, who directed on everything. The council carried out its decisions.

What kind of animal changes its symmetry as it becomes an adult?
