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Q: What word means the same a dismissal?
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What are the forms of dismissal?

In crimninal courts there are two types dismissal. (1) Dismissal WITH Prejudice (means the same charge cannot be brought against the same defemndant again for the same offense) -and - (2) Dismissal WITHOUT Prejudice (means that once the Prosecutor "cleans up" some minor flaw in the case) he can re-institute the same case against the defendant.

Do you still have criminal record if order for dismissal is granted?

Yes, an order for dismissal does not wipe out the record. For that you would need to petition the court to have the record expunged. ALSO: A LOT depends on WHAT KIND of dismissal you received. Dismissal WITHOUT prejudice means the same charge can be re-instituted against you again. Dismissal WITH prejudice means that that same charge can't be brought against you again for that particular offense.

What does dismissed with prejudice as the parties have reconciled?

A dismissal with prejudice means that with the dismissal the court is considered to have ruled on the matter. Certain rights may be prejudiced arising from a dismissal with prejudice.Added: A dismissal with prejudice means that neither party can bring the same charge for THAT particular incident to court again.However, this does not preclude them from bringing an action in the event of any future occurrence .

How many syllables are in the word dismissal?

There are three syllables in the word dismissal. Dis-mis-sal.

If a criminal case has been dismissed but the outcome of that not hearing the case causes medical difficulties can a new case based on the dismissal be pursued?

It all depends on HOW it was 'dismissed.' There are two types of 'dismissals.' Dismissal WITH prejudice, means that the same case can NOT be brought against you again. Dismissal WITHOUTprejudice means that the prosecution CAN file the same charges again at a later time.

How do you the word dismisal in a sentence?

The word, dismissal, has a double s in it. After the bomb scare, school had an early dismissal.

Change dismissal to with perdudice?

A Dismissal WITH PREJUDICE, means that the same charge cannot be re-filed by the prosecutor - altho the defendant may file a request for such a motion - it is strictly the judge's prerogative.

What is a order of dismissal?

It is an order issued by a judge actually dismissing the charges that were brought in the case - usually for some legal insufficiency, or lack of evidence, of the case itself. There are two types of dismissal: Dismissal WITH Prejudice, and Dismissal WITHOUT Prejudice. WITH prejudice means that the same charges cannot be re-instituted and brought before the court again,. WITHOUT Prejudice means that the charges MAY be re-instituted and brought before court again AFTER the legal insufficiency is cured.

Prejudice with or without what is the difference?

There are two types of dismissal: Dismissal WITH Prejudice, and Dismissal WITHOUT Prejudice. WITH prejudice means that the same charges cannot be re-instituted and brought before the court again,. WITHOUT Prejudice means that the charges MAY be re-instituted and brought before court again AFTER the legal insufficiency is cured.

What happens if yo go to court and your case is dissmissed can the creditor take you back to court?

There are TWO types of dismissal. DismissalWITH prejudiceand dismissal WITHOUT prejudice. "With" prejudice means that the same charge cannot be brought again. "Without" prejudice means that the immediate charge is dismissed, but that it CAN be brought up again. Which type of dismissal did you receive?

What is the opposite word for dismissal?


What does felony dismissal really mean in new york city?

It depends on the type of the dismissal. Dismissal WITH prejudice means that the charges cannot be brought against that defendant again.. Dismissal WITHOUT prejudice means that the charges MAY be re-filed against the defendant.