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Q: What word means the same as stifling?
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Give a sentence using the word stifling?

"The complexities of starting a new company is stifling innovation"

Is Stifle a noun?

The word stifling is a present participle verb, an adjective, and a verbal noun (gerund). Examples: Verb: My manager is stifling my career as a musician. Adjective: It is stifling hot today. Noun: Stifling will not be tolerated, each student must be allowed to speak freely.

Give a sentence using the word stiffling?

1. If you meant "stifling" then.....'The stench(smell) was absolutley stifling' 2. If you did mean stiffling then.....there's actually no word like that, whoch exists! ~Amu

What is the singular form of the word stifling?

Stifling is a verb. It is the -ing form of the verb stifle. Verbs don't really have a singular form like nouns but if you used stifle with a singular noun subject the verb form would be stifles.She stifles her younger sister.Stifle as a noun means the joint of a hind leg of certain four legged animals eg horse. But it is not used as a noun very often. If this is the meaning you are thinking of then the plural is stifles

Where does smothers originate from?

Smother originates from an Old English word "smorian". As a noun it means a "stifling smoke" (making it hard to breathe). Used as a verb it means to suffocate or choke so that someone is unable to breathe.

Stifling in a sentence?

Stifling means to make someone feel constrained, restricted, or suffocated, usually by limiting their freedom or inhibiting their growth or expression.

What word means the same as respond?

The word "reply" means the same as respond.

What word means nearly the same as like?

"Similar" is a word that means nearly the same as "like."

What word almos means the same word as startled?

Surprised almost means the same as startled.

What does stiflingly mean?

stifling means it is restricting or suffocating as it stiflingly hot is so hot that it is difficult to breathe

How do you use word stifling in a sentence?

None are so narrow - minded as those who wish to stifle the free exercise of religion

What is a word that means 'basically the same thing'?

i have a qn. what is onther word means the same thing as loose