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The word you may be looking for is "trade" or "barter," perhaps even "exchange."

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Q: What word means to give something in return for something else?
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Give something back means if you take something you must give someone something else in return.

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The economic term for the cost of a choice is the opportunity cost.

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No, it means its teeth are too long, give it something else to wear its teeth down.

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To give something in return for something.

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you give it to the chicken farmer and he will give you something in return.

Does lend mean the same thing as borrow?

No, lend means to give to someone; borrow means to have someone give you something that you return after a certain amount of time. For example: I'll lend you my pencil. Can I borrow your pencil?

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What is the difference between give it to me and give me it?

the DIfference is that give it to me mneans do not give to anybody else. THe give me it means you can give it anybody else. But give to me first.

How does the saying you get what you give relate to newtons third law?

i think its because you give something out and you get something back in return.

How does the saying ''you get what you give'' relate to Newton's third law?

i think its because you give something out and you get something back in return.