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Q: What word means to put yourself in someone else shoes?
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What does it mean to stand in someone else's shoes?

Standing in someone else's shoes means to put yourself in someone else's situation, to see what they're going through, to feel what they're feeling.

What does putting yourself in someone else's shoes mean?

This means to imagine what it would be like to be someone else. To go through their experiences.Empathy.

Don't criticize until you walk a mile in their shoes?

It means to imagine what it is like to be someone else, with someone else's problems and concerns.

What is the meaning of being in the shoes of someone esle?

To "Take a walk in someone's shoes" simply means to see what they go through in life or to share an experience of someone else's.

What does it mean to walk a mile in someone elses shoes?

thre is a story named "walk a mile in someone else's shoe........and it means that walking a mile with someone else's shoe on>>>>>>>>>>^^^^ That answer up there is WAY off and wrong. Sorry to whoever wrote it but.. its way off. It doesn't literally mean to walk in their shoes it means to feel the way they feel and to go through the things they do. Or Put yourself in their situation, dint be so hard on them because you never know what they are going through

What does it mean to 'Walk in Somebody Else's Shoes'?

The phrase Òwalk in someone elseÕs shoesÓ means to try to put yourself in their position, or imagine what it would be like to be that person. It means trying to think and act like the other person.

What does mantle of the expert mean?

It means in drama form : stepping into someone else's clothes and shoes as a character.

When someone tells you they like your shoes what does that mean Does that mean they really like your shoes or something else. Someone told my friend that a few days ago?

In Western Culture, a comment about shoes has no hidden meaning. If someone says they admire one's shoes, it simply means that they think the shoes are attractive.

What can b done to disinfect hats and shoes that has belonged to someone else?

You can wash hats and shoes that has belonged to someone else by washing them in disinfectants.

Is empathy a disorder?

No - Empathy is a positive feeling/emotion that means to be able to identify within yourself with someone else's feelings/emotions - being able to walk in someone else's shoes so to speak. It is usually hard for one to differentiate between sympathy and empathy but when they do this is a positive thing within one self.

What suffix of -ism means to change yourself for someone else?

no, it means the act, state, or theory of something" I think I'm probably right.

Take attention off yourself and onto someone else?

You can always shift attention from yourself to someone else by being caring.