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theres many prayers you could say. Bismillaherahmanniraheem. aouzu billahi minashaytan nirrajeem bismillaherahmanniraheem. and you could read any page of the quran, or recite the ithul qursi. and many more

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Q: What word should you say so that Allah can protect you?
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How do you say may Allah be pleased with you?

say: Allah yerda aleek , if you are talking to a male. say: Allah yerda aleeki , if you are talking to a female. say: Allah yerda aleekom, if you are talking to a group of people.

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How do you say God protect Palestine in Arabic?

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What is the meaning of Elah for Allah?

To distinguish between the two words & to correctly understand their meanings. please,consider the followings :The word "Elah" in Arabic is a general word for God.The word "Allah" is the most specific word for God from the Islamic concept. Consequently, it's also more specific than the word "Elah".The word "Elah" has a prular, it's "Aaleha".The word "Allah" efers to the only one God with nothing associated to Him at all. The word "Allah" itself has no plural in Arabic.Muslims believe that "Allah" is the "Elah" of the whole creation.In shahada, Muslims say what means " I bear witness that there is no Elah but Allah".hope this helps.

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Allah en iyidir