

What word starts with D and is a sacred text in Judaism?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Deuteronomy - which is one of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). These 5 books are also known as the "Book of Moses" or the "Torah".

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Q: What word starts with D and is a sacred text in Judaism?
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The sacred text of Islam is the holy Qur'an. It can also be spelled as Qoran, Quran, Quraan, Koran, Kuran, Kuraan, etc. Quran is Allah (or God and same God in Chritianity and Judaism) real God word revelations to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the angel Gabriel (or Jibril). Refer to related questions below.

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Tanakh - sacred book of Judaism

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People often confuse sacred and scared. Oak trees are very sacred for Hindus.

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The Koran (sometimes spelled Qu'ran or other variations) is the sacred text of the Islamic religion.

What are the sacred texts of Islam known as?

The most sacred text of the Muslims is the holy Qur'an, that is the word of Almighty Allah revealed to the last Prophet of Islam (SAW).The collections of the sayings of the holy Prophet (SAW) are also sacred books of the Muslims.

Why are sacred text important to Muslims?

In Islam, there is only one official sacred text-the holy Quraan. As Muslims, we view this text as sacred as it is the complete and unabridged word of our God, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). As it is the direct word of God, we treat the text as sacred and with reverence. It is important to us as it tells us what to do in life, and tells us much about previous prophets, and how to do well in life. It also holds some very important orders within it which shape and mould the way we, as Muslims, live our day to day lives today, as we have been doing for generations. Hope this helped! If you have any Muslim friends, then asking them would also help.

What is a word related to Judaism that starts with u?

The first word that I thought of was "Ushpizin" which refers to ceremonial guests invited into the Sukkah (tent-booth) during the holiday of Sukkot.