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The words that are of Spanish origin. In Spanish the J is pronounced as H is in English. There are FAR too many to list.

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Q: What words begin with J that sounds like h as in jalapeno?
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What are the Words that start with j but sounds like h?


What words begin with J that sounds like h?

This would happen with English words that are borrowed from Spanish. The first one that pops into my head is "jalapeno"...jai alai..Jose...

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Jalapeno peppers require soil that is moist, but firm. In other words, it can't be like mud. But, you do not want soil that is hard as a rock, either.

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There are many words, but one example is the word "father" in which the 'a' sounds like the 'o' in box.

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The word baby has two strong vowel sounds that sound like "ay" and "ee." Other words that emulate this include words like maybe.