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Q: What words most closely means the art of judging character from facial features?
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What word closely means the art of judging character from facial features?


What word means judging of a character from facial features?


What is the antonyms of physiognomy?

Physiognomy generally means either the art of judging human character from facial features, or just facial features, especially ones that reveal character. As it's a noun, there are few synonyms for it, and no antonyms to the best of my knowledge.

What is it called when a person's personality matches their appearance?

It is called PhysiognomyDictionary definition:phys·i·og·no·my (fz-gn-m, -n-m)n. pl. phys·i·og·no·mies1.a. The art of judging human character from facial features.b. Divination based on facial features.2.a. Facial features, especially when regarded as revealing character.b. Aspect and character of an inanimate or abstract entity

What does the word physiognomy mean in Spanish?

The English language word, physiognomy, defined as judging a person's character by their facial features, translates in the Spanish language as fisonomia.

What does physiognomy mean?

The facial features that reveal the quality of mind or character of a person.

What is the definition of physiognomy?

A person's facial features or expression, especially when regarded as indicative of character or ethnic origin.

What are the criteria in judging choir?

Clarity of voice,facial ezpression

What definition best describes physiognomy?

A person's facial features or expression, especially when regarded as indicative of character or ethnic origin.

What are the criteria in judging speech choir?

Clarity of voice,facial ezpression

What syndrome is genetic that includes facial features?

Practically every genetic disorder that includes physical characteristics affects facial features. The term is dysmorphic facial features genetic disorders.

What is features does Pluto have?

Pluto has loads of facial facial features it has a beard, a unibrow, a beard and buck teeth!