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In the Holy Bible read John 11:21-43. It is about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, several days after he died. Also in Luke 8:40-53, it refers to when Jesus raised Jairus' daughter from the dead. Jesus Christ is our Messiah. He died so that we can have life and salvation. He was ressurrected so we can be born again and have new life through Christ.

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Q: What words spoken by Jesus actually saved a human life?
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Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and your household.

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Jesus died so that the world could be saved.

Why does Christianity become meaningless if Jesus is God?

Actually, Christianity becomes meaningless if Jesus is NOT God. If Jesus wasn't God, then he couldn't have risen from the dead or saved all the people from their sins. If that didn't happen Christianity is meaningless. If Jesus was not both God and man, then Christianity is meaningless

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