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Q: What words tell you that something good is coming?
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When was Tell Me Something Good created?

Tell Me Something Good was created in 1974.

What does it mean when something says circle the signal words?

It means that you should draw a circle around the individual words that are signal words... that signal the reader about something. Depending on what type of signal words you are working on, these could be illustrations to the reader that there is more coming, that something important is coming, or signals that tell you what the author thinks... like perhaps they aren't sure of what they are saying. Please see the related link for examples of different types of signal words.

When someone tell you wait and see?

it depends may mean i got something for you (bad or good is what you should ask) ......if their mad then you have another thing coming

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it helped tell when something was coming out or what happened

How do you tell your parents you're transsexual?

Make sure when you do it everyone is not in a bad mood, that is huge. As for actually do the deed, I want to get an idea from the vast amount of 'coming out' stories on youtube.Search "coming out" or "coming out as a Transexual" or something like that to get a good idea, that will help you.:)

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something you tell in your own words

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I guess the eyes tell you that something is coming toward you so it sends the information to the brain and tells the body to move.

Shall i tell you something?

If it's something good, please do.

How do you tell Sean Hannity something?

You use words.

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Probabilty is the fraction of something happening or occurring or not happeneing or occurring.

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to tell how acidic something is

How do you convince your parents to sign something that they don't want to?

Tell them what it is, then you tell them that it is good for kids (if you are a kid) and you tell them how. If that does not convince them yet, tell them what good it will do and how.