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Working both Glut. max and hamstrings:

lie on back, bend legs and place both heels oh the surface you are lying on (only heels, your toes should remain elevated). now squeeze your buttocks and lift your pelvic up. the primary muscles activated for this movement are glut. max and hams.

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Q: What works your gluts and hamstrings?
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What muscles are use in jumping jacks?

You use your quadriceps, hamstrings, gluts, abs, biceps, triceps, and obliques.

What are the warm-up excercise?

to ensure al body is warm you should stretch from your calves up to your neck -calves -hamstrings -quads -groin hips gluts fore arms upper arms lower back upper back

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focus on your legs, hamstrings quods etc. rowing is really an all body sport. all your muscles are important, work your legs your abs your arms your shoulder and lower back (this is where most rowers get injuries) and your gluts

Hamstrings are used for in soccer?

Yes, hamstrings are used for soccer!

How does the Elliptical machine work your muscles?

Elliptical Machines provide resistance that help build your muscles. The motion of an elliptical is similar to climbing stairs, so it works your quads, calfs, and gluts.

What muscles help you stand up right?

Most of the major muscles are used. Gastrocnemius, Quadriceps, back muscles, lat dorsis, erector spine and neck muscles.

What part of speech is hamstrings?

The word hamstrings is a noun. It is the plural form of hamstring.

What exercise machines works out your hamstrings?

The best exercise for hamstrings by far are dead-lifts. You can perform them with either dumbbells or a barbell. You will definitely feel the burn and the bonus is because dead-lifts are a compound exercise you burn more calories and use more muscles than just your hamstrings.

Where in the body would you find the hamstrings?

The hamstrings are located on the back of the thigh.

What muscles are used in a v-sit up?

your gluts, abs, and your intogalactibal muscle.

How are the hamstrings important?


In what position is it easiest for you to massage your clients biceps femoris?

It easiest to have access to the hamstrings, which includes the biceps femoris, when your client is prone on the massage table. Answer 2: This is what I do, While client is lying prone, after warming up the area I will bend the knee, and encourage the client to rest their calf against me this passive movement allows the hamstrings to relax, thus allowing you to knead and lift the hamstrings. Assuming the client is able to relax this works like a charm.