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Q: What would America be like without roads or highways?
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What do you think the effect on roads and highways would be if suddenly there had no National highway act?

I think we would be driving on roads that looked like they were built in ancient Rome.

What way does the system of highways run?

As a genral rule, highways with even numbers, run East to West while Highways with odd numbrs run from North to South. While there are a few diagonal highways that do not fit the rules, and by-pass roads around major cities that would confuse Henry the Navigator, the system seems to be fairly effective.

Can you ride on the highway without a saddle?

Most highways you should not ride on with or without a saddle. There are different types of highways. There are county, state, or interstate. 2 and 4 lanes of more. They can be isolated or very busy. But the main thing about highways is they are for motor vehicles. It may not be legal and probably is not safe. Call your local roads department and ask them what the laws are regaurding your stretch of road. My advice would be to find a safer road and remember when riding on any road to wear protective head gear.

What would America be without Language?

There wouldn't be an America

Can you drive on the rocky mountains?

There are a number of roads and highways that run through and around the Rockies, but most people would find it difficult to go off-roading, because the trees are very thick.

Would you be able to drive a car in the desert?

If you do attempt this, I would strongly suggest you drive only on established roads and highways. To travel off-road is asking for trouble, not to mention the environmental damage that can be done by thoughtless individuals who do such things.

What would you do without limestone?

Construction of highways, brick and block structures, and roadbeds would be much more difficult as limestone is the main raw ingredient in cement.

Who would use a topograph map?

Hikers, park rangers, search & rescue teams, etc. could use topographic maps. Also useful for engineers and construction workers building roads and highways.

For what purpose would one need a log truck?

You would require a specialized vehicle such as a logging truck to transport timber from the location it was cut to the processing facility. They are licensed vehicles that are legal to be used on logging roads as well as public highways.

What laws govern driving a restored 1955 military m32 ambulance on state highways and roads?

A vehicle that old would be classified as an "antique" vehicle to which modern equipment laws would not necessarily apply. You would have to check with your state DMV to determine how they treat something of this description.

How long does it take to drive from Ardmore Pennsylvania outside Philadelphia to Williamsburg Virginia?

Per my Rand McNally Route Planner, the trip [one way, without stops] would take 4 hours and 38 minutes. That calculation was made the following driving speeds [at usual maximum speed limits]: 70 on Interstates, 55 on US highways, 50 on state highways, and 25 mph on local roads. Most of the distance will be on I-95. Hope this helps. j3h