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we would run out of trees!

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Q: Where would the world be today without coal?
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How many coal mines exist today in the world?


What will the world be without coal and petroleum?

nuclear and solar

How do plant fossils and beds of coal support the idea that Antarctica once was warmer than it is today?

The presant Antarctica would be to cold for plants to grow. Coal, which is plants compressed over million of years under heat and pressure could not be created without having plants (grow in warmth), and coal could not form without heat compressing it.

What happens when coal is burn without oxygen?

Coal cannot burn without oxygen.

How is coal used today?

Today coal is mostly used for providing the fuel for electric power plants.

How is coal important t the human race?

it is important because without coal we would not have the tools to make fire or make a train run.

How would the amount of carbon dioxide in the air change if earth had plants but no animals or people?

Without humans or animals, very little Co2 would be produced. Most of the worlds Co2 is from burning oil, gas, coal etc. Plants absorb it so the planet would be very healthy and in much cleaner than the way the world is today.

What would happen if th world ran out of coal?

We would use another fuel.

What is coal used for today?

Coal is mainly used for Electricity and Heat

How important is coal to humans?

if we stop using coal right now people would go crazy because their would be no electricity and we got so use to it that people say they cant live without it so coal is super important to people

What are the largest coal mines in the world?

black thunder coal mine in us is the largest coal mine in the world

as black as coal?

(as) black as coal (as) black as coal Completely black; totally without light or color.