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Oh, he'd probably bake brownies for church bake sales...or die of a bullet wound through the head.

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Q: What would Charles Manson do if he got out of jail?
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Did Charles Manson say he wouldn't hurt anybody if he got out of jail?

I have seen interviews with him in which he claims both ends of the spectrum. He rants and raves and can be very difficult to follow but sometimes he claims he has never killed anyone and in the next breath will state that if released he would kill many more.

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Charles ll is the son of Charles l who started loads of wars and got executed for starting wars and he started one when he was in jail

Why did Charles Manson order the assassination of Gerald Ford?

Actually, this wasn't the brainchild of Manson. Squeaky Fromme thought this up all by herself. Of course her reason behind it was to bring attention to Manson's plight. All she got for her trouble was a long prison sentence in a federal penitentiay.

Is Shirley Manson of Garbage has any kids?

Yes, Shirley Jones has 3 kids.

How did Charles Manson turn into a serial killer?

During his early childhood, Charles was an extremely unmanageable child. That mixed with drugs and abuse with glory dreams, turned him into the person he was when he got jailed for the last time.

Did Charles Manson play in a band with Dennis Wilson?

No, he wrote lyrics and music for Dennis Wilson, and never got paid for it, even though the songs were recorded.

How do people know Charles Manson as serious killer?

Because these crimes were so bizarre, Manson and his chums were so bizarre, they got worldwide attention. Not just the arrests but the trial that at the time was the longest trial in Califorinia history. What OJ Simpson (trial) was to the nineties, Manson was to the 1960s and 1970s. As sad as it is, Manson still retains a certain amount of celebrity. He actually gets 'fan' mail.

Does anyone have info on Charles Manson's wife and children they never seem to be mentioned when he is brought up?

Charles Manson had married a 17 year old girl by the name of 'Rosalie Jean Willis'. He married her in the winter of January 1955. After the marriage they decided to move to California. Very soon after the wedding Charles Manson was arrested. His wife became pregnant in April. Very soon after the arrest and giving birth to the child, Rosalie left city with a truck driver and her son Charles Jr. Reports say that 'Charles Jr.' committed suicide in the year 1993.Charles Manson spent most of his adult life in prison. And he never got the opportunity to meet his son properly; in fact he was not even present at his son's birth.

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Who is Candy Manson?

In 1959, between prison terms, Charles Manson met and married a prostitute named Leona 'Candy' Stevens. Which would technically make her Candy Manson. The marriage lasted until Manson got another prison sentence, Candy took the one son that was a product of the union and divorced Manson faster than you can say 'Helter Skelter'. Where Candy, or Leona, or whatever she calls herself, is I have no idea. Or the son that they had together.

Does Charles Manson have any living relatives?

Author Jeff Guinn's new book Manson: The Life and Times of Charles Manson claims to have found a sister of Manson's. I have not read the book so I have no idea if the author's research is accurate. It is entirely possible that Manson did have unheard of siblings that maybe even he didn't know about. I would like some DNA evidence to prove this one way or another.