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Q: What would a Golgi body be compared to in a computer?
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What part of the body is like the Golgi Body?

The Golgi Apparatus also referred to as the Golgi Body processes the lipids and proteins. The Golgi Body can therefore be compared to the digestive system.

What in a mall can be compared to the Golgi body?

The guest service booth

Where you would find the Golgi bodies?

inside a eukaryotic cell, there is an organelle called the golgi body

Where would you find Golgi bodies?

inside a eukaryotic cell, there is an organelle called the golgi body

What is a good anology for a Golgi body?

A good analogy for a Golgi body would be a Post Office because it ships substances outside the cell.

What is analogy for golgi apparatus?

the Golgi apparatus is like the stomach for to also stores protein as the Golgi apparatus does as well but in stead for a cell.

What body system is compared to the computer?

The brain

Can a Golgi body produce another Golgi body?


Does cytoplasm have a Golgi body?

Is a golgi body cytoplasm matter

Is the Golgi body a cell?

No, the Golgi body is not a cell. It is an organelle found within eukaryotic cells, responsible for modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins and lipids for transportation within the cell or secretion outside of the cell.

What is Another name for the Golgi Complex?

The Golgi complex is also known as Golgi apparatus, Golgi body or Golgi. It is found in most eukaryotic cells. The Golgi complex was identified by the Italian physician Camillo Golgi in 1897.

What organelle packages proteins in vesicles and sends them throughout the body?

bob is the one it is on computer .com